For the bolder smoker, we are excited to introduce our Limited Edition Barrel Fermented Gordo cigar. This special cigar is made for the smoker looking for an increase in luxury, presence, and time.
This is our largest Limited Edition vitola. Larger cigars deliver a greater volume of flavor and have a longer finish, compared to narrower cigars; they also create distinction from slimmer smokes to convey a stronger presence.
Over the years, the cigar industry has trended more towards larger cigars. Many manufacturers have released a 60 ring gauge smoke in their top tier lines, and Pappy Barrel Fermented with its unique flavor profile deserves a 60 ring gauge treatment.
This is the perfect cigar for the person playing 18 holes rather than 9. Someone who wants to wind down their Friday night dinner relaxing by the porch. This is the perfect cigar for the bolder smoker who enjoys having his presence known.
About the Barrel Fermented Blend:
The Pappy Van Winkle Barrel Fermented cigar is a 100% long-filler, premium cigar made totally by hand in very small batches at Drew Estate in Estelí, Nicaragua. This historic cigar features a barrel-fermented-, tapa-negra-style wrapper over a Mexican San Andres base wrapper, as well as aged Nicaraguan Filler tobaccos, personally selected by me. It is the perfect choice for pairing with any of the Van Winkle bourbon and rye products.
The strength level of the Pappy Van Winkle Barrel Fermented Cigar is "Medium Plus," which allows both new smokers and experienced aficionados to enjoy the blend. It's a well-rounded, sophisticated cigar, with body and a hearty expression. At Drew Estate, we are known for passion and innovation, and making premium cigars is our “raison d’être” [reason to be]. The Pappy Van Winkle Barrel Fermented premium cigar is truly a showcase of our passion for cigar-making.
Comes in a lined, custom wooden box with 10 Gordo size (6 x 60) cigars. Please be advised the seal may be cut as they are randomly selected while going through customs.
The passion project of two college buddies from New York (Jonathan Drew and Marvin Samel), Drew Estates, based in Esteli, Nicaragua, is the result of decades of hardwork and a commitment to rolling some of the finest cigars you can find. They’re also deeply committed to supporting the people who work for them, creating an inspiring art-filled workspace and providing both healthcare and reliable transportation.
Our cigars arrive sealed and shrink-wrapped in cellophane. We are unable to accept returns on opened boxes. If the box is sealed and unopened, we will accept returns or exchanges on cigars no longer than 7 days upon receipt.
How quickly your cigars will dry out depends on the humidity in the air. More humid climates are better for cigars. In general, you should store cigars in a humidor or airtight bag as soon as your shipment arrives. Due to inconsistent shipping climates, it is important to give your cigars a few days to rehydrate before enjoying one. If you don't have a humidor we suggest putting the cigars in a plastic food storage bag or container. For every 25 cigars stored, put a damp sponge or paper towel in the bag or container. Store the bag on a shelf or in a closet. If you don't have a humidor, we suggest purchasing one of our Boveda humidor bags or one of our 2-way humidity control packs designed to keep your cigars at the ideal humidity. They are available for purchase on our website. Please note: Our cigars arrive sealed and shrink-wrapped in cellophane. We are unable to accept returns on opened boxes.
This is my 3rd box and I enjoy them
Very good cigar
One of my favorites. Love to enjoy with a glass of bourbon.
A very good smoke. Burns well, nice aroma.
Pappy cigars are definitely my go to.
Another top notch product from Pappy & Company!!
This cigar is definitely in my top 5. Love everything about it. Definitely pair it with pappy van wrinkle whiskey...
Love them
Absolutely loved the Gordo size and flavor of these cigars!