
The People & Pets of Pappy & Company

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It's National Pet Week - Celebrate with the People & Pets of Pappy & Company

We’ve always been dog people. So much so that one year for Christmas our dad printed our mom business cards that simply read “Sissy Van Winkle. Dog Person.” 

 We’re pretty equal opportunity when it comes to kinds of dogs (and kinds of pets in general) although at a few points in time we have had matching pets!  At one time we all had dachshund's, even going so far as having a trio with matching names (Rip, Pip and Chip, Chenault was the outlier with Lula) and currently a few of us have sibling dogs, Molly, Buddy Bear and our cousin has Peanut.  

 Now our parents have two rescue mixed breeds,  Dixie and LuLu,  Louise has expanded her menagerie to include bunnies, lizards, and birds oh my...while Chenault often has a brood of chickens roaming in the backyard alongside her two dogs and cats.

A love of pets runs deep - our great-grandfather, Pappy Van Winkle himself, even famously fashioned a walking cart for his trusty golf caddy - his beloved dog, Thunder!

So naturally, this shared heritage and love of animals has found its way into our business. We even hear from people quite regularly, that they too have combined their love of pets and Pappy Van Winkle bourbon - and have named their own pups - Pappy! So of course, we had to make dog toys! We introduced our dog toys, made in partnership with Pride Bites (as seen on Shark Tank) and crafted a replica of our signature Pappy Van Winkle cigar and a replica of a bottle of Pappy Van Winkle bourbon!

Read more about our partnership with PrideBites 

Shop Pappy Van Winkle Cigar Dog Toy

Shop Pappy Van Winkle Bourbon Bottle Dog Toy

Our love of pets doesn't just end with our own backyards - our office - quite literally - oftentimes has gone to the dogs - and we have a roaming cast of four legged friends who make regular office visits. 

So, to celebrate National Pet Week - let's meet -
The People and Pets of Pappy & Company

Louise Van Winkle Breen - Molly & Beanie the bunny (formally known as Chili Bean Breen)

A big bunny with fuzzy paws and floppy ears is not who you'd expect to be greeted by as she lounges on a pink setee - but that is who will greet you if you pop by Louise's house! You'll also be welcomed by the lady of the house, Molly, who prefers to keep herself busy with keeping tabs on all of her people rather than interact with her bunny room mate! 

Carrie Van Winkle Greener & Buddy Bear

Outdoor pup, Buddy Bear sure lives  the life in the great outdoors of Idaho, where he can freely frolic and regularly enjoy long hikes through the mountains.  He's also known to be quite a snuggler and is regularly found tucked into bed with Carrie's boys. 

Chenault Van Winkle James - Rivers, Danny Boy, Twig, Camille...& chickens...

Rivers, a beautiful yellow lab who is a trusted hunted companion for Ed, has a pretty intense connection to his tennis balls, yet is put in place by his 5 lb brother, a miniature long-haired dachshund, Danny Boy. They both keep a respective distance from rescue cats, Twig and Camille - who will assert their dominance when necessary -  yet it's really the chickens that rule the proverbial roost. 

Danielle - Popcorn & Gigi

Popcorn, an older gal, was initially not too thrilled with the arrival of French Bulldog Gigi, but they have since become best buds. Gigi is a frequent office mate at Pappy & Company, known for her not so gentle snoring during meetings!

Kelcie  & Peach

Peach, while a not so spry old gal, can still cat with the best of them. Regal, reticent or playful - on her terms, of course!

Britt & Rosie

Another regular visitor, Rosie's sweet demeanor and friendly nature are as outsized as her presence. A gentle giant who loves to visit with her favorite pals at Pappy & Company, and especially loves when the UPS man comes to deliver (or as Rosie assumes, stops by just to visit her!)

Jon  & Rosy

Not to be confused with Rosie the dog, Rosy the cat keeps an eye on things from her perch out the window, and as cats do - really likes to find things to squeeze her head into that weren't designed with that specific purpose in mind. 

 Julie & Buster

 A 9 month old rescue pup, part lab - part beagle (which just means he is ALL beagle and ALL lab ALL the time) who has a hidden talent for finding and destroying hats and shoes. Fortunately he also loves his Pappy & Company Pappy Van Winkle bourbon bottle dog toy!

Steve & Gracie

Gracie is sweet older lady who has rightfully earned the right to lounge and lay in the sun. Recently joined by Steve's first granddaughter - she still maintains her dignitary status!

Alex & Phoebe

A rare shelter find, Phoebe is a maltese/bichone mix - and while she is technically Alex's family pet - she is really her soulmate in pup form! 

While we were obviously inspired by all of the beloved pets in our lives to make our own line of dog toys - we are also regularly reminded of the influence that Pappy himself has had on your lives! People regularly tell us how they have named their own pups (or cats, name it) Pappy, in his honor. We can honestly say, he would have been beyond flattered for his legacy to live on in this way! 

So, make sure to celebrate your own pet during National Pet Week - and maybe even spoil them with their own version of your favorite Pappy treat - either a replica of a Pappy Van Winkle cigar or a Pappy Van Winkle bourbon bottle! 


We partnered with PrideBites, who you may have seen on their episode of none other than SharkTank, where they quickly impressed judges and pet lovers, Lori Greiner and Robert Herjavec, with their story and landed a deal to continue to connect brands and pet parents on a more personal level. 

Learn More.